Gentle, Environmentally Conscious Water Cremations

Aquamation is a much gentler, environmentally friendly method of cremation that uses water instead of flame to return your loved one back to nature.

Honor your loved one’s commitment to the natural world by choosing aquamation for their final act.

What is Aquamation?

Aquamation (also called “alkaline hydrolysis”) is a water-based alternative to traditional flame cremation. Your loved one is placed in a special vessel which uses a mixture of pressure, heated water and salts to gently cremate their body.

This process is significantly more environmentally friendly than flame cremation and results in much cleaner, purer ashes when compared to a flame cremation.

Aquamation is very similar to the natural processes that occur with a green burial or human composting, mimicking natural decomposition.

Natural and Gentle

Aquamation uses only 10% of the energy a traditional flame cremation uses, doesn’t burn fossil fuels and doesn’t generate any greenhouse gases.

Environmentally Friendly

We are with you every step of the way, from the moment you contact us to after we deliver your loved one’s ashes. Phone, text, email, chat - however you need to reach us.

Unmatched Support

How is Aquamation Different?

Traditional cremation comes at a cost - both in fuel and CO2 pollution. Inpeace aquamations remove more than 95% of the environmental impact of a flame cremation. Aquamations only require a small amount of electricity and don’t burn any liquid fuel.

How Inpeace Direct Aquamation Works

Inpeace takes your loved one into our care and transports them to our aquamation facility in Connecticut.

After the necessary authorizations are signed the body is carefully placed into the sterlized aquamation chamber.

The aquamation takes between 6-8 hours. An alkaline solution flows around the body and mimics natural breakdown that occurs in the earth.

The bone remains - the same as those in a flame cremation - are collected and prepared for return to the family - either USPS or hand delivery within our service area.

Honesty - no upsells, no surprises.

Inpeace Direct Water Cremation


Includes transport from NY and NJ to our aquamation facility, all permits and 1 certified death certificate

Return of ashes via USPS Priority Express

24/7 support via phone, text or email

Traditional Funeral Home Services

Starting at $6,800

Complicated, hidden, hard-to-understand pricing

Time consuming visits with funeral directors in funeral homes

Quota-driven sales staff

Outdated process

Flexible, Easy Payment Options When You Need Them Most

Inpeace offers you more options than anywhere else - we know how difficult this can be and meet you where you are.

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Compassionate care for your loved one

Inpeace offers simple, transparent end-of-life planning from wherever you are. We are focused entirely on making sure your loved one is treated with timely care and dignity so you can focus on yourself and family.

You remain in control of the entire process - we show you the final price upfront, give you the ability to arrange with or without speaking to anyone and only communicate with you when and how you desire.

  • Inpeace uses aquamation facilities in Connecticut for all water cremations. We handle all transport of your loved one from where they passed to our facilities.

  • The aquamation itself takes between 6-8 hours. The entire process from the time we take your loved one into our care to the return of their ashes is generally 7 - 10 business days.

  • Aquamation and cremation both produce bone remains. Many people think that cremated remains, often called cremains, are a fine ash or powder. However, when the bones are removed from the cremation chamber, they are often still intact and recognizable as bones. Crematoriums use cremulators to pulverize the bones, as required by law. Similarly, aquamation facilities are required to reduce the bones into a fine powder before returning them to the family.

    The ashes from aquamation look more pristine and uniform than cremains. The cremation process chars the bones. Cremains are often course and dark, from the intense heat in the cremation chamber.

  • The “essence” is returned to the ecosystem via the normal wastewater treatment facility, just as all funeral homes in the United States do during the embalming process. The alkaline hydrolysis process produces a completely sterile solution of amino acids, sugars, nutrients, salts, and soap in a water solution. These are the byproducts of natural decomposition.

  • Yes! We use Affirm, an industry leading buy-now-pay-later provider to give our customers flexibility with their payments. Simply choose “Affirm” at checkout to begin the process.

Questions? Speak with an Inpeace team member any time.

(212) 498-8845